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New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is a developed country with market economy dominated by exports along with tourism. The education system in New Zealand is a three-tier model which includes primary schools, followed by secondary schools (high schools) and tertiary education at universities and/or polytechnics. The academic year in New Zealand varies between institutions, but generally runs from late January until mid- December for primary schools, secondary schools, and polytechnics, and from late February until mid- November for Universities. In 2009, the program for International student Assessment, published by the OECD ranked New Zealand 7th best at science and reading in the world, and 13th in maths. The Education Index published as part of the UN’s Human Development Index consistently ranks New Zealand among the highest in the world.
New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS) issues visas and permits to enter the country. Students can avail the required visa forms from the New Zealand Government office (the visa issuing officer) in their country. Requirements for a student visa usually includes
Visit http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/study/ or http://www.immigration.govt.nz/community/stream/educate/educationproviders/visasandpermits/studentvisaandpermit/ for more details